Through our core Christian Values of Respect, Courage and Creativity, our vision is to provide an inspiring environment where each child feels safe, happy and valued; is supported to achieve their full potential by developing their skills, gifts and talents in all areas of the curriculum and within our community.

Julie Kelly






Goodby Mrs Kelly
23/07/2024 8:49 PM
Goodby Mrs KellyGoodby Mrs KellyGoodby Mrs KellyGoodby Mrs KellyGoodby Mrs KellyGoodby Mrs Kelly

After nearly 14 years we say a fond farewell to our Head Teacher, Mrs Julie Kelly. 

Julie is taking a well deserved retirement and we wish her luck in everything she does.  We will miss you Mrs Kelly. 

Leavers Service and General Prize Giving
23/07/2024 8:43 PM
Leavers Service and General Prize GivingLeavers Service and General Prize GivingLeavers Service and General Prize GivingLeavers Service and General Prize GivingLeavers Service and General Prize GivingLeavers Service and General Prize Giving

Today was the last day of term and so we said farewell to our Year 6 students. We also held our general prize giving. Take a look at some great photos HERE

Y6 Leavers BBQ
23/07/2024 9:47 AM
Y6 Leavers BBQY6 Leavers BBQY6 Leavers BBQY6 Leavers BBQY6 Leavers BBQY6 Leavers BBQ

Yesterday our Y6 went to the Hollywood Bowl for their leavers trip.  Later they all went to the rec for a water fight and BBQ.  There are some photos HERE

Junior Play
18/07/2024 2:15 PM
Junior PlayJunior PlayJunior PlayJunior PlayJunior PlayJunior Play

On Wednesdat 17th July our Owls and Foxes class performed their junior play in the church.  They were fantastic!  Take a look at some more phots HERE

SIAMS Report
12/10/2023 10:30 AM

'This is a small school with a big heart which cares deeply for all'.  These were the words included in the latest Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodists Schools (SIAMS) report.

You can read the full report by clicking on the attached PDF file.

SIAMS report West Meon Church of England VC Primary School 116322 270923.pdf

Upcoming Events
Our ClassesOur ClassesOur ClassesOur ClassesOur ClassesOur Classes
Our Classes
Our VisionOur VisionOur VisionOur VisionOur VisionOur Vision
Our Vision


Through our core Christian Values of Respect, Courage and Creativity, our vision is to provide an inspiring environment where each child feels safe, happy and valued; is supported to achieve their full potential by developing their skills, gifts and talents in all areas of the curriculum and within our community.

Julie Kelly






Goodby Mrs Kelly
23/07/2024 8:49 PM
Goodby Mrs KellyGoodby Mrs KellyGoodby Mrs KellyGoodby Mrs KellyGoodby Mrs KellyGoodby Mrs Kelly

After nearly 14 years we say a fond farewell to our Head Teacher, Mrs Julie Kelly. 

Julie is taking a well deserved retirement and we wish her luck in everything she does.  We will miss you Mrs Kelly. 

Leavers Service and General Prize Giving
23/07/2024 8:43 PM
Leavers Service and General Prize GivingLeavers Service and General Prize GivingLeavers Service and General Prize GivingLeavers Service and General Prize GivingLeavers Service and General Prize GivingLeavers Service and General Prize Giving

Today was the last day of term and so we said farewell to our Year 6 students. We also held our general prize giving. Take a look at some great photos HERE

Y6 Leavers BBQ
23/07/2024 9:47 AM
Y6 Leavers BBQY6 Leavers BBQY6 Leavers BBQY6 Leavers BBQY6 Leavers BBQY6 Leavers BBQ

Yesterday our Y6 went to the Hollywood Bowl for their leavers trip.  Later they all went to the rec for a water fight and BBQ.  There are some photos HERE

Junior Play
18/07/2024 2:15 PM
Junior PlayJunior PlayJunior PlayJunior PlayJunior PlayJunior Play

On Wednesdat 17th July our Owls and Foxes class performed their junior play in the church.  They were fantastic!  Take a look at some more phots HERE

SIAMS Report
12/10/2023 10:30 AM

'This is a small school with a big heart which cares deeply for all'.  These were the words included in the latest Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodists Schools (SIAMS) report.

You can read the full report by clicking on the attached PDF file.

SIAMS report West Meon Church of England VC Primary School 116322 270923.pdf

Upcoming Events
Our ClassesOur ClassesOur ClassesOur ClassesOur ClassesOur Classes
Our Classes
Our VisionOur VisionOur VisionOur VisionOur VisionOur Vision
Our Vision