We have linked with Christchurch Winchester Schools Team to come into the school on Wednesdays to provide regular collective worship which is Christian in nature.
Each assembly includes an introduction to a bible story, a short talk with the application, a song and a prayer to close. We hope the children will find these assemblies enjoyable. We also hold Celebration Assemblies on Fridays and award certificates to the children who have shown exceptional Respect, Courage and Creativity.
Please click HERE to view our Collective Worship Policy
Please click HERE to view our Church Grounds Charter
Welcome Rev Tony Forrest
We are delighted that Bishop Jonathan appointed the Rev. Tony Forrest to serve as interim priest-in-charge of St John the Evangelist, West Meon, one of the four parishes that comprise the Upper Meon Benefice. Fr. Tony has taken over some of the collective worship and school services that the Rev. Peter Sutton had so kindly helped out while the parish was interregnum.
Fr. Tony originally worked as a chemistry teacher, head teacher and university lecuturer before he was ordained as a deacon in 2011 and a priest in 2012. He was a curate in North End Team Ministry and a chaplain at Porstmouth College. He also served as the Chair of the Board of Education and so we feel privileged that he also joins our Board, ex officio, as a Foundation Governor.
Celebration Assembly
Each Friday we hold a Celebration Assembly for the children. Children are awarded certificates, which have been nominated by their class teachers and representing our three core values, Respect, Courage and Creativity. They also celebrate all the “Booms” children have received during the week.
If the weather is warm and sunny we sometimes hold our Celebration Assemblies outside by the church.
Christchurch Group
The Christchurch Group came into the school on Wednesday 24th January and spoke about how Jesus calmed the waters after the storm. They explained to the children how to be calm when something is worrying you.
Mary Touchet
Mary Touchet was the school's founder. Mary is buried in the church graveyard opposite the school and each year the school remembers her by placing flowers on her grave. Read all about her amazing story HERE